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Mass Email Communication with customized attachments.

Greetings. I have been working on a project to manage communication with large group based on activities we produce. At the end of each activity we create custom certificates for each participant. I have been working to automate this process as much as possible, however I would LOVE to see some system based formatting changed.

My current process:

Attendee completed form.

Automation notifies me when new submissions are completed.

I do a quick review of submission, then generate a customized certificate that is attached to the row. I can select a group of row and do this efficiently with a few clicks.

I have an automation that is set-up where if I check a box, the contact in a cell is sent an alert with a general message and the row attachment included.

This message is confusing in it's format layout. See comment in BLUE box.

I can send batches of these using this set-up, but again the information in the red box seems to unnecessary and confusing. I would love them to ONLY see the message and the attachment. No need to see the sheet name or changes that took place on it.

Is there a better way to make it more clean and end user friendly??

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