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Delete All Comments


We often reuse Smartsheets from one year to the next. It would be helpful if there was a method to delete all comments the same as you can delete all attachments. (If you can't do this with proofs, that would be a nice addition also.)

11 votes

Idea Submitted · Last Updated


  • MichaelSola

    This is a little ridiculous - having to delete one conversation at a time. We're trying to set up new smartsheets for the year and having to remove over a hundred conversations is NOT a time saver.

  • Stacy Meadows

    Build a template sheet to reuse each year ?? would that be an option?

  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 11/29/22

    @Stacy Meadows - Thank you for your suggestion. In our case, we start out with a template and then customize it to the client. Another option is to save the completed sheet as template and then use that template to create the next year's sheet, then delete the template. This is a workaround - an option to delete all comments would be very helpful.

    ETA: this would change the URL of the sheet as @Stacy Meadows pointed out.

  • Stacy Meadows
    Stacy Meadows ✭✭✭
    edited 11/29/22

    Could you not save as a copy or template .... select data and formatting options then uncheck comments and attachments prior to renaming and saving?? :)

  • Stacy Meadows

    I suppose this would change the link address though xx

  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Stacy Meadows - correct, it would change the URL and for us that is a problem. Thank you for your suggestions!

  • Stacy Meadows

    I built a central link dashboard so I would have department heading or subheadings .... then underneath would have links to each report base sheet etc - people could only access these if they had permission...

    Each time I need a link updating rather than sending it companywide I would update links on dashboard and make sure they used dashboard as an up-to-date directory... also a good roadmap... I also put external links we use regularly :)

    ps I also built a management dashboard but had the link on the central dashboard to the management one (again only shared with management so no one else could access this)

  • ker9
    ker9 ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    @Stacy Meadows - we are using these particular sheets for outside clients. We want to maintain the URL and the setup. The system we have works great, except for deleting comments.