NEW: Submit offline forms on mobile

Allegra Silcox
Allegra Silcox Employee
edited 07/25/22 in Product Announcements

Hi Community, 

Have you ever tried to submit a form on the Smartsheet mobile app, only to realize you had no internet connection? Whether submitting expenses on a plane or safety inspections on an oil rig, you need the ability to capture information anywhere!

Now, the Smartsheet mobile app allows users to mark a form available for offline use, so you never miss a submission. Without a connection, you can launch the mobile app and see your offline forms. Submissions will automatically send once a connection is re-established. 

All users on all plans can take advantage of offline forms, and admins on Enterprise plans can disable offline forms for their entire organizations. Learn more about how your organization may be affected, and how to disable offline capability in the Admin Center.

Get started by downloading the latest version of the app today via the App Store for iOS or the Google Play store for Android. Check out the help article for instructions on how to mark your forms for offline use. Interested in what else the mobile app can do? Read 5 reasons customers are using the Smartsheet mobile app.

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Allegra Silcox

Product Marketing Manager



  • Nick Burrus
    Nick Burrus ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This is by far one of my favorite features that recently came out! I found a way to fake cascading forms. These two combined will be a powerful tool for my organization!

    Dr. St Nicholas Burrus DHA, PMP

    I build Smartsheets for the US Government, State Government, and about a dozen of the US Fortune 100s.