Time Allocation and Tracking Buckets

I'm working on rolling out RM and Time Tracking for the IS/IT organization. While it's simple to add resource allocation to project, I'm also wanting to track or allocate time to other non-project work.

What is the best practices to this? For example, If I want to add a resource to a project, I want to also account for non-project work, such as admin time (meetings), training and development.

What is the best practice to establish those buckets in RM as well as projects?

Thank you!


  • Laura J
    Laura J ✭✭✭✭

    Not sure this is a best practice, but we rolled out Resource Management this year. We too wanted to identify and account for all time, even when not spent on a project or initiative. We created 'projects' in Resource Management and labeled them with leading '0 - ' so they would float to the top of the project list and be easy for team members to locate. We also communicated with a cheat sheet showing what to include in each category, see below. Hope this helps.


  • Troix
    Troix ✭✭✭

    Thank you! This is most helpful. Did you allocate a certain percentage of each resources time based on role to each area. I was thinking of allocating:

    4% Admin

    2% Training

    Support will be based on role, for example PM's will have lest but a system admin will have more allocated to that bucket.

    That way they have 100% utilization.

    Another thought was to only set the utilization target lower per role and understand that each role of project work will be less.

    I think the buckets of time (admin, support, training, etc) will come in handing once we launch timesheets.