Automated Workflow to Generate Doc

Morning! I have tried multiple times to create a simple automation to generate a form via doc generator. Flat out doesn't work. Automation is triggered by a status change in a cell and the document is mapped and it works manually to generate it, just cannot get the automation to work

Anyone else have this problem? Any troubleshooting tips or things that will prevent the automation from working?


Best Answer

  • Paul H
    Paul H Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Below is what support sent me, so far it has fixed my issues with document generator automation.

    "Because this workflow directly interacts with the Document Generation functionality, the behavior may be caused by an access token expiring or being close to expiry.

    Please try the following before enabling the workflow again:

    1. Have the owner of the document mapping open the sheet
    2. Open the Generate Document functionality
    3. Re-login if necessary. Doing so should refresh the access token (which could be causing the behavior).
    4. Go ahead and re-enable the Workflow and test

    If the behavior persists, please continue with the following steps:

    1. Have the owner of the document mapping completely log out from Document Builder and have them log back in.
    2. Enable and test the Workflow again
    3. Delete the workflow and recreate it if it is still invalid"


  • Paul H
    Paul H Community Champion
    Answer ✓

    Below is what support sent me, so far it has fixed my issues with document generator automation.

    "Because this workflow directly interacts with the Document Generation functionality, the behavior may be caused by an access token expiring or being close to expiry.

    Please try the following before enabling the workflow again:

    1. Have the owner of the document mapping open the sheet
    2. Open the Generate Document functionality
    3. Re-login if necessary. Doing so should refresh the access token (which could be causing the behavior).
    4. Go ahead and re-enable the Workflow and test

    If the behavior persists, please continue with the following steps:

    1. Have the owner of the document mapping completely log out from Document Builder and have them log back in.
    2. Enable and test the Workflow again
    3. Delete the workflow and recreate it if it is still invalid"

  • Debbie Petersen
    Debbie Petersen ✭✭✭✭✭

    That did it - Had to go with the 2nd solution but we're in business now! Thanks so much!

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