Capacity vs Demand Utilisation RAG Column


I'm looking to create a capacity vs demand utilisation RAG Column where it will appear with Red, Amber, Green for the following rules:

Green: Total Q1 Capacity = Q1 Total Demand

Yellow: Total Q1 Capacity > Q1 Total Demand

Red: Q1Total Capacity < Q1 Total Demand

Kind Regards,



  • Scott Peters
    Scott Peters Community Champion

    Hello Lukas - I think a nested IF formula would work here. Set the column properties to be symbols (R,Y,G), and then set up a formula something like if([Total Q1 Capacity]=[Q1 Total Demand], "G", if([Total Q1 Capacity]>[Q1 Total Demand], "Y", if([Total Q1 Capacity]<[Q1 Total Demand], "R")))

    By having your formula results be the 3 letters R, Y, or G, Smartsheet will apply the correct symbol

    Hope this helps,


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