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Order of columns to select when sending email


When I want to email someone, I don't want all the columns sent in the email. I click on the edit columns to select what I want to send. Many times it's just one or two columns that I want to send. However, it is very difficult sometimes because we have a sheet that contains many columns.

The order of the columns seems haphazard so I have to scroll and scroll until I find what I'm looking for. At first I thought the columns were in order of how they appear in the sheet, but that is not the case.

Is it possible to get the columns listed in alphabetical order? Seems this would be a very easy fix.

This issue seems to be everywhere the list of columns are displayed in a popup, and not just with emails.



ss order of columns.PNG


  • I second the motion.  As an administrator, I would like to have the ability to set which columns by default should be included in the email notice.  

    User can add to it by checking all fields or any other field.     Would this be doable?

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