I would love to see this happen - I use smartsheet for audits and it would be helpful to mark things in bold and different font colors as well as embedding hyperlinks. How can we push this one up on the wishlist?
Thank you @amhba for saving my day!!
Bump & a +1 vote for all of the functionality outlined in this thread. Rich text formatting, branding options (logo/colour scheme), and hyperlinks in the Automated alerts function. It's such a great product, this would be icing on the cake.
Adding my vote to this thread! Don't underestimate how much some simple formatting to emails can improve a recipients experience. While it would be way easier to just have a formatting bar directly on the workflow editor screen, I'd also be fine if Smartsheet supported HTML (or a similar coding language) to be able to turn a notifications plain text into rich text formats.
Smartsheet Team - The last update here was almost a year ago. Can anyone comment on the status of this enhancement idea and/or what it would take to have this officially added to the roadmap?
Please make this possible! adding my voice!
Adding my request for this functionality, this needs to be a higher priority for those of us using more intermediate functionality of smartsheet.
Adding into this one!
Would be super helpful to do this. It seems like such a basic feature that is missing. @Genevieve P. can you please update us on this thread or request someone from the Product team to do so.
+1 on this request. Would be really great if could support basic formatting at minimum.
It should be possible to highlight some part of the message in the email automation. At least, put some columns in Negrito. In the example below, the green highlighted text.
Adding support for this type of functionality. I was able to use ALT+7 to get a bullet point to display on a using a custom message on automated workflow. I would prefer to be able to underline, bold, tab, and possibly highlight text in these messages.
I also agree that Smartsheet needs to add this functionality - formatting - bold, italics, underline, color, etc. and hyperlinks that you can name. We use this all the time, and it is really clunky. Doesn't help for arguments to keep the product in lieu of others that have more functionality like this. Also it would be nice in the automation area if the message box was large enough to see the whole thing and edit it easily. I usually end up creating the message outside of the automation and then copy and paste. Finally, if you start the message and then need to see a column name that you are using in the message and want to go back to the sheet, it won't save it or let you go back and forth.
We use the Automation Workflow to send out shift confirmations for faculty and residents at our University Hospital. Included in this automation is a message containing details pertinent to their shifts. However, there isn't really a way to format the information and it comes out as a super long paragraph that has been skipped more often than not.
If there is already a way to format this field, that would be awesome; if this could be something implemented down the road that would be amazing. I'm sure in other applications the messages may not need to be as detailed as ours, but for the purpose of providing deadline/payment information, it's also part of guidelines to make sure that these shifts are being attested correctly for an audit.
Good analysis
I'd like to see this happen, even if I have to insert the HTML into the template manually.
Please add this Rich Text functionality, which would allow us to format our automatic email notifications. The world uses Rich Text in so many contexts, it is surprising to find areas where it is not used. Even if we have to type in the HTML manually, that would be a great improvement over plain text.