It would be extremely helpful in some cases to only be able to submit a form one time!!
I would love to have the ability to deactivate the form after a specific number of entries. We use forms for event management and have limited space. It would be extremely helpful if the form could be deactivated automatically after a certain number of entries.
Add an action to automations to either open or close a form. Handy for event management.
Add the ability to set an end date for form submission. We use forms to survey our department. Would be nice to set an end date rather than having to go in and 'inactivate' it.
Recently, I had a situation where I needed to deactivate a form at a specific time. Unfortunately, I was in my car at the time so I could not do it until I got home a little later. It would be nice if we could schedule when to turn a form off or on.