Workflow in Parallel not sequence


To limit the amount of workflows, I was hoping to create a workflow that has 1 trigger but many actions that happen at the same time. Rather than waiting for the pervious one to happen. Currently my workflow looks like the brown example, and only sends the first request all the way at the left.

Best Answer

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    I could be wrong but I believe automations will complete and end their task once one condition path and action has been completed successfully. It won't go on to the next condition path to fulfill and satisfy that one unless the first condition path wasn't able to be completed successfully.

    Instead, what I believe you need to do is create the first condition and action. Then underneath it hit the + and create another condition and then action. And so on. I believe that will work but having them side by side in multiple condition paths they won't trigger if the first condition path is successful.


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    I could be wrong but I believe automations will complete and end their task once one condition path and action has been completed successfully. It won't go on to the next condition path to fulfill and satisfy that one unless the first condition path wasn't able to be completed successfully.

    Instead, what I believe you need to do is create the first condition and action. Then underneath it hit the + and create another condition and then action. And so on. I believe that will work but having them side by side in multiple condition paths they won't trigger if the first condition path is successful.

  • Geilisa
    Geilisa ✭✭✭

    I thought that might be the case. Originally they were underneath, and worked as if the previous action must be completed to do the next. But thank you for your input.