Why is my automation to copy rows to other sheet missing data from certain columns?


I have an automation created that, when a row is added to sheet 1, the row is copied to sheet 2. Its working fine except it sometimes misses values from the "First Pay Date" column and the "IC" column and they dont get copied over. They will just be blank on sheet 2.

I made sure that under column properties, they are set up the exact same way. the IC column is a contact list column and the First Pay Date column is a date column. Its weird because it works for some rows but not others.

Best Answer

  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Good morning. When new rows are added to Sheet 1, do they already have values within the "IC" and "First Pay Date" column or are those added after the new row arrives on Sheet 1? If they're added after, is it manually added or a formula pulls in data or an automation fills something in?


  • Mike TV
    Mike TV ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓


    Good morning. When new rows are added to Sheet 1, do they already have values within the "IC" and "First Pay Date" column or are those added after the new row arrives on Sheet 1? If they're added after, is it manually added or a formula pulls in data or an automation fills something in?

  • Dheeraj Goyal


    I am facing similar issue where sometimes it misses values from certain column. Did you figure out why this might be happening?


  • KPH
    KPH ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    How and when are the missing values entered onto your first sheet? If they are entered after the automation has copied the row, they will not be included in the copy.

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