Consolidate automated update request

Hello everyone. Hoping for assistance. We have multiple projects that each have a workplan and action log. In order to keep life simple, I have created a consolidated report that pulls tasks across all the projects (from the workplans and action logs) for each team member as many team members are attached to multiple projects. That way, they don't have to jump around to see all the tasks that are attached to them. However, to support the team, I also want to send status update requests when the tasks are past due to twig them to either change the due date or mark as completed as often tasks are completed, they just aren't updating the workplan/logs. I have an automated status update reminder going out for a general action log for the team which they like as it makes it easy to keep things updated; they would like the same but as one email/week (so just replacing the one that goes out for the 1xgeneral log, with a consolidated one for all the project tasks). It doesn't look like I can perform this function from the consolidated report and I don't want to set up this automated workflow for all the individual workplans and action logs as some people will be getting 10+ status update requests given the number of workplans/action logs that their name is attached to. Any suggestions from people who have solved this problem?



  • PWNA Sam Harwart
    PWNA Sam Harwart ✭✭✭✭✭

    You could automate the report distribution and include a link to their personalized report (using the Current User as a filter). They could then update the report since reports and sheets are bi-directional.

  • tsuranyi
    tsuranyi ✭✭✭

    Thank you for your idea @PWNA Sam Harwart. I already have an automated send of the report every week. However, we have people on our team who don't ever want to actually go into Smartsheet, so love the fact that with the sheet updates, they just get the form that they can update and submit. I'm looking to see if there is something that can be done like this with the consolidated report.

  • PWNA Sam Harwart
    PWNA Sam Harwart ✭✭✭✭✭

    Hard to design a Smartsheet solution for people who don't want to use Smartsheet 🤣

    I don't think there is a feature that can send update requests based on a single report and not one for each the underlying sheets. That would be convenient though. It would save my project owners from having to update each project individually.

    Might be worth submitting a feature request.

  • tsuranyi
    tsuranyi ✭✭✭

    Yes, thank you @PWNA Sam Harwart. I'll submit a feature request.

  • GlendaN
    GlendaN ✭✭

    tsuranyi did you find a solution to do this?

    Want to do the same now. Have multiple grids, consolidated a report by assignee and would like them to get just one weekly email requesting updates on the report with all their tasks.

    Thanks everyone.