#NO MATCH due to Smartsheet bug

Branden Farmer
edited 09/28/22 in Formulas and Functions

I received this message after submitting a ticket to Smartsheet. As there seems to be no end in sight I'm curious if anyone else is having the issue and if they have found any solutions to resolve it?


I'm from the Escalations team here at Smartsheet Support. I was looped in explaining that you are seeing #NO MATCH errors that resolve themselves once refreshed, but this is causing your workflows to trigger. I am happy to help with this!

At this time, there is an ongoing issue with cross-sheet formulas and referencing other sheets in formulas. You may be seeing strange behaviors like the one you have already experienced, or you may see your cell history show formula errors instead of correct values.

At the moment, there is no immediate fix or workaround to this issue other than refreshing your sheet as necessary. You may want to turn off any workflows that are being sent off by accident due to the #NO MATCH error.

While we cannot offer an immediate fix, I have included your case in the list of cases affected by this behavior so our Engineering team is aware of the issue. Please allow us some time to continue investigating.

As there is nothing more we can do until this is resolved, I will be closing this case. Thank you for your patience and understanding, and thanks for using Smartsheet!


  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator

    Hi @Branden Farmer ,

    We've recently publish this post about the behavior that you are reporting that you may find helpful while this is being investigated. 

    If the alternatives proposed do not seem to work for your case, you may want to share some screenshots of your impacted sheets (hiding any sensitive information) for further possible advise. 

    I hope this can be of help.



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