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Automatically copy row to respective category

Sujay Kumar
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

Hi. I'm using a Web Form to enter data into a page. The page has different columns including Hours Worked, and Category column for the Category drop-down menu selection. With this database, I want the total worked hours for each category. 

Ideally something like, as soon as you enter the data through Web Forums and it gets added to the database, the added row would be copied to a different section/page according to its category.


  • Hi Sujay,

    As far as I know Smartsheets does not natively support this functionality yet. You can achieve what you describe using Zapier, which is a separate service. You may be able to add this on their free account (see their site for details) depending on how many categories and how many entries go into the form per month. Otherwise there are a few other options but most require an account, some time invested or an app to be built. 


    Using Zapier you could also use a Google form instead of Smartsheets and have the entries transfer or copy from the Google sheet to your various Smartsheets. 


    What kind of data is being entered? 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Depending on how many categories you have, this could also be handled using SUMIF or SUMIFS.

    If you want to move the data to another sheet, I would start with Zapier depending on number of sheets and some other factors.


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