I Am Unable to Access The Sheet. I (Tony) Requested Access a Few Minutes Ago. Thanks
@Kaleb sorry, seems I cannot share outside of my org. Let me see if this still helps:
Var, Baseline Start and Baseline Finish are default columns when you set the baselines.
Columns I added:
--> Diff = IF(Var@row = "", ([New Baseline]@row - End@row), Var@row)
--> New Baseline: manually enter the end date as soon as the task is added.
So Diff column is the recalculated variance.
Does it help?
We agree that when we add new tasks, we would like them added to the baseline instead of having to go and reset the baseline. It will reduce human error and save time. We had a company Smartsheet users meeting today and it revolved around this topic.
Ok, Thanks For Trying. I Will Try Your Formula and Let You Know The Results.
I am sure this has been mentioned, but the functionality for setting and modifying baseline dates needs to be expanded. It would be great to have the capability to modify a specific cell/cells and auto set the baseline date as a new task is added. Any idea when this functionality will be added?
@ju.harrison Yes, there are quite a few posts asking for this functionality. In 2023, Smartsheet marked one of them as "On our radar": Adding New Task After Setting Baseline — Smartsheet Community. You'd be best of submitting your vote and comment there.
Not being able to add tasks to a project after the baseline is set and then having to manually update everything back to the original dates to make sure we capture our planned vs actual correctly is one of the most frustrating and time consuming items… Especially when having 200 rows of data on a project. - Smartsheet please create this feature.
C'mon guys - 2 year and not solved? We really need this!
Michał Gosk
Project Manager @ Partner in Petfood 🐶🐱
Project plans are dynamic by nature. Rarely I have I had a plan which does not have new tasks added throughout the project. It would be super helpful for the tool to only set baselines for new tasks and not reset existing task baselines. I've added my vote and have fingers crossed this feature is added soon!
Suggested 2 years ago and still not updated. Very unfortunate and discouraging. Need Smartsheet to be more responsive and attentive to userbase, please.
why even use it - what a waste of my time
Being able to add baselines with new tasks is absolutely critical, this needs to be done ASAP
I just wanted to add a comment saying I too would like it if there were an option to set a baseline for new rows without having to re-set the baseline of all rows.
Another vote to add this feature!