Resource view duplicates?

Phil Wightman
Phil Wightman ✭✭✭✭✭✭

Each project I am assigned to shows twice in y resource view. Its the same for everyone. When I go to the sheet thee is only one. I deleted myself which removed a duplicate but the same sheet where I deleted myself shows me still there (the one left)? This was not happening before, only noticed today. Any ideas?

Best Answer

  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Phil Wightman,

    I tested what you report in my own environment and the behavior aligns with what is expected, I can see allocation in all projects that I've been added and that have Legacy Resource Management enabled. If I duplicate a project and keep the same name, then I see the project also duplicated in the Resource View as expected. This said, it looks like this might be the case in your own environment. Please search for any of the duplicate project names either with the "Browse" button in the Navigation bar or by using the search bar in the top right corner to review how many of your projects are named the same.

    If you find that there aren't any duplicate project sheet but you still see the same behavior, I would recommend opening a ticket with our Support team via this form.

    I hope that this can be of help.




  • Julio S.
    Julio S. Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Phil Wightman,

    I tested what you report in my own environment and the behavior aligns with what is expected, I can see allocation in all projects that I've been added and that have Legacy Resource Management enabled. If I duplicate a project and keep the same name, then I see the project also duplicated in the Resource View as expected. This said, it looks like this might be the case in your own environment. Please search for any of the duplicate project names either with the "Browse" button in the Navigation bar or by using the search bar in the top right corner to review how many of your projects are named the same.

    If you find that there aren't any duplicate project sheet but you still see the same behavior, I would recommend opening a ticket with our Support team via this form.

    I hope that this can be of help.



  • Phil Wightman
    Phil Wightman ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks for the feedback @Julio S.