Pull all project plans into one sheet in card view

Scenario: I work in a higher education space where I'm interested to know where stakeholders collectively stand for a degree program. 

The sheet (in card view) has lanes titled "Degree programs that need to be assigned," "Yes, let's move forward with the degree program," "No, let's archive the idea," and "let's chat more in our next meeting," respectively. 

The sheet(in card view) allows stakeholders to decide collectively in a virtual meeting where one of the stakeholders will record the decision by moving the card to its appropriate lane.  

Setup question: Currently, I have 20 programs that need to be sorted by the stakeholders. Each program has a project plan(in a sheet) that defines the step-by-step process from a program idea to a program launch. The project plan is a template used for all degree programs.

Is there a way I can connect all 20 project plans to a sheet(in card view) so that the stakeholders can see only the program's name? I want to set the sheet up so that if a stakeholder can also click on the card, Smartsheet will bring them to the associated degree project plan. 
