Pull data from a source sheet to a destination sheet with one condition


Hi there.

I have an issue and I would like your help please!

You can find below the Smartsheet I have:

  • I have a 1st Smartsheet "Source Smartsheet". In this Smartsheet, I have a list of projects with one line per project and multiple columns that are used to save the data for each project. I have one unique ID per project (column "VER ID");

  • I have a 2nd Smartsheet "Destination Smartsheet". In this Smartsheet, I have another list of projects (most of them are part of the "Source Smartsheet") with one unique ID per project (column "VER ID");

You can find below what I would like to get:

  • I would like to find a formula that can populate automatically the column "% Complete" of the "Destination Smartsheet". This data should be pulled from the "Source Smartsheet" by using the ID of the project which is unique in both Smartsheet (column "VER ID" in both Smartsheet).

I hope it makes sense.

Can you help me please?

Many thanks!


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