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Quick Sort Card View (Sheets and Reports)



  • This should have been a day one insight on a card view. Its kind of useless without it.

  • Fully agree with all comments here and voicing my own need to sort cards by at least due date. This should be a standard functionality.

  • ✭✭✭✭

    We need this feature as well urgently… I am wondering that such basic features that would support daily business compared to extensions like recent visual updates and licensing model change etc… are not getting priority. At least it would be helpful to read out the lane order number via formular would help… Maybe a formular function is available already for the grid view, so that based on the resulting value we could sort in the grid view? Has someone any idea? Thanks to the community

  • I'd love to see a sort feature for Card View that would enable me to define different sort orders for various "View by" columns. Ideally, something like:

    1. The ability to set and SAVE a sort order for a SPECIFIC "View By" column. For example, if I'm viewing by "Status" I'd like to sort on Priority + Due Date.
    2. If I add a card directly to that sorted view I'd like it to AUTOMATICALLY POSITION ITSELF CORRECTLY based on the sort order I've defined (rather than just sticking it at the bottom).
    3. I want to be able to SWITCH to a different "View By" column such as "Topic" and then identify a sort order that is SPECIFIC for that view without losing the sort order I've defined for the view by "Status" in step 1. For example the sort order for view by "Topic" might be Status + Due Date.
    4. Then if I return to View By "Status" I want that sort order (Priority + Due Date) to kick back in automatically so that I don't have to redefine it.
    5. I also want the ability to clear the sort order for a View By column. For example if I cleared the sort order for the View by "Status" then the positioning for that view would be based on the underlying grid view. (The sort order for View by "Topic" would not be cleared at the same time.)
  • SmartSheet team

    When will we see this long-awaited functionality implemented? This is a common feature we've been requesting since 2022.

    We need the ability to organize and sort our card view in ways that better suit our workflows. For example, I would like to sort by project and have critical tasks appear at the top.

    Why is this important? In our daily meetings, it allows us to prioritize and address the most critical tasks and actions first, ensuring efficiency and focus on what matters most.

    Thank you for considering this feedback. I hope it can be implemented soon to further enhance our experience with SmartSheet.

  • I'm in charge of helping teams across my organization roll out Smartsheet, and the lack of this feature is going to significantly impact one of our teams. What's the status of this? I saw some "exciting developments" posted from the Smartsheet team as of Summer 2023. The feature was first asked for in 2016 (archives). I sure hope this is coming soon.

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