How to create a custom message to show all unselected items in a multiple value in a column

I am able to list everything that was selected in a mutiple value column in a custom message but, I need it to do the opposite. How can create a custom message to show what was NOT selected in a mutiple value column?


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/07/22

    You would need to create a reference table that has all options listed. You could then use a JOIN/COLLECT to pull in all of the options from the reference list into another cell that weren't in the first one and use this in your automation.

    =JOIN(COLLECT({Reference List}, {Reference List}, NOT(HAS([Multi-Select]@row, @cell))), CHAR(10))

    Edited to correct typo.

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