Formulas and Functions

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Formula Help - Predecessors disabled/Duration calculated formula to exclude holidays

edited 12/08/22 in Formulas and Functions

Hello Smartsheet Community

I had to disable predecessors in this project plan. I worked with the ProDesk to come up with a way to have a calculated weighted formula. There is also a formula that calculate the # of days between start date and end date. However, I just realized that this formula does not excludes holidays. Is there anything I can add the first formula below to exclude holidays and only count for working days?

=IFERROR(NETWORKDAYS([Start Date]@row, [End Date]@row), " ")

=IFERROR(IF([Percent Complete Helper]@row = 1, (AVGW(CHILDREN(), CHILDREN(Duration@row))), [Enter % Complete]@row), 0)



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