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Calendar calculation (possible bug)

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

I am having difficulty with a calendar calculation that I use to calculate planned completion %. When dates have more than 30 days or when a non-working (holiday) is part of the month, the formula is not working as intended.

Below is the formula in the planned % complete column: =IF([Planned Finish]4 = TODAY(), 1, IF([Planned Finish]4 < TODAY(), 1, IF([Planned Start]4 > TODAY(), 0, IF([Planned Start]4 = TODAY(), ((TODAY() - [Planned Start]4) / Duration4), IF([Planned Start]4 < TODAY(), ((TODAY() - [Planned Start]4) / Duration4), IF([Planned Finish]4 > TODAY(), ((TODAY() - [Planned Start]4) / Duration4)))))))

This happens today (5/31): my planned start date is 5/25 and my planned Finish date is 6/1 the planned percent complete = 120

Could it be the additional holiday and 31st day of the month that is causing this formula to return incorrect results?


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