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FORMULA - Estimated vs Actual Time

Laura ✭✭✭✭✭✭
edited 05/31/17 in Archived 2017 Posts


(See Screenshot)

I need help creating a formula to show:

IF "Actual Time" Column is 10% more than "Estimated Time" Column, then "ERP vs ACTUAL" Column shows "DOWN" Symbol

IF Not, shows "UP" Symbol.

Times are entered in minutes (00.00)


Thanks in advance!


This is what I currently have:

=IF(AND([Actual Time]1 > [ERP Time]1 * 1.1), "Down", "Up")

It works for the most part BUT it doesnt show the "down" symbol if the "Actual Time" is exactly 10% greater than "ERP Time"

EST vs ACT.png

EST vs ACT.png


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