Tracking actual time in percentages, reporting in hours?


A component is adamant about tracking their actual time on projects based on percentage of an 8-hour workday, but senior managers want to see actuals based on hours. Is there a formula or other way for staff to enter a percentage and convert that to hours for reporting purposes?

Best Answer

  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/21/22 Answer ✓

    Hi @LynneDavis,

    You could use an additional column to do the conversion and report the number of hours. When one enters the percentage value, the new column (with a column formula) could multiply the % by 8 (hours in a workday).

    Would look something like this:

    =[Percentage Column Name]@row * 8

    So if the percentage was 75, the result would be 6.

    Just replace the text "Percentage Column Name" to the name of your own percentage column.

    You could also hide the new column that displays the hours, but still include the column in you reports.


  • Ray Lindstrom
    Ray Lindstrom ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 12/21/22 Answer ✓

    Hi @LynneDavis,

    You could use an additional column to do the conversion and report the number of hours. When one enters the percentage value, the new column (with a column formula) could multiply the % by 8 (hours in a workday).

    Would look something like this:

    =[Percentage Column Name]@row * 8

    So if the percentage was 75, the result would be 6.

    Just replace the text "Percentage Column Name" to the name of your own percentage column.

    You could also hide the new column that displays the hours, but still include the column in you reports.

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