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How do i restore sheets to the correct workspace?

Del Rae
Del Rae
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

We recently lost our admin and we had to transfer owner to a new admin.  it worked great for most of the workspaces.  however, we have 87 sheets in a new folder called "Transferred from oldadmin@email.com".  and the folders that used to have sheets now appear empty to all users who still look like they have access to the workspace.

When we completed the transfer we received this message:

As a result of this action, one or more items were transferred out of shared workspaces and into the new owner's personal Sheets, in a new folder named "Transferred from oldadmin@email.com".

but we need them back in the correct folders.  Is there any way to accomplish this? we have no idea which sheets belong in what workspace.  this is a disaster as many of the sheets have the same name.  did we do something wrong when we transferred?  i am sure we'll do this again at some point in the future. how do we prevent this?  we successfully transferred 559 items - so this worked pretty well - except for the 87 headaches we now have left.

Thansk for any assistance,

Del Rae



  • Hi Del Rae,

    This is a programmatic action taken on the backend for security reasons, typically due to that former Admin not having access to the workspace and the workspace owner being someone other than the person the sheets were transferred to.

    The new owner of these sheets will need to manually drag-and-drop them back in to their appropriate workspaces while in their Home tab.

  • Hi Shaine,

    is there any way to tell which workspace they came from?  in the future - can i prevent this from happening?

    Del Rae

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