Battle over Sorting and Filters

Sinema ✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Smartsheet Basics


We are starting to use Smartsheet heavily in a lot of our processes.  We deal with contractors on a daily basis.

We have several groups of contractors that view one master sheet and each of their own set of columns they review and work with.  They may not directly interact with other parts of the master sheet, but they sometimes require data from other columns to complete their job.  It's very situational.

We have two different contractors that sort specific columns to make their jobs easier and their teams depend on the order of the sorting as they complete their jobs.

When Team A does their sorting and their team reviews the sheets we are running into issues as they are getting confused because Team B has went in and sorted the sheet to match their criteria so Team A's group is lost as they were following a list that is no longer in the order that it was when they first looked.  

It becomes a tug of war over the sheet. 

We are trying to avoid created 5 different mirror sheets as that sounds like a maintaining nightmare.

Any suggestions? 


The contractors have to view their columns and then they complete their jobs and they updated the specific columns based on their completion.   
