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Rollup report missing rows

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

Can't figure this one out. Hoping someone can help.


I have 6 sheets for various projects we are working on. Each sheet has at least one level of heirarchy and some have up to 3 (parent/child/grandchild?).


I have used cell linking to create an "amalgamation" sheet that lists all of the projects with their related heirarchies and have also created a report that runs off the amalgamation sheet. However, for some reason, the report does not show the heirarchy for one of the sheets. It's a sheet with 3 levels of heirarchy but there are 2 other sheets with the same number of levels and their entire heirarchy shows on the report.


I've tried re-selecting all of the where/who/what/when conditions in report builder with no luck.


Has anyone else come across this?




  • Greg Hawk

    Reports will only pull in rows that match your criteria and does not automatically pull in parent rows. If the parent row is not included in the report then its likely it does not meet the criteria you set in your report builder.

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