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Sum cells in a column based on check box status?

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2016 Posts

I am currently using a SUMIF formula (which works as expected) to sum values in a column when a row contains specific text 


=SUMIF($[Activity]$29:$[Activity]$344, "Consultations", [FY 2016 YTD]29:[FY 2016 YTD]344)


Now I want to add a check box column so I can an another clause to my SUMIF statement to sum only those rows I check.  How do I update my forumla?



  • Mads Liebst

    You need use a formula called "SUMIFS" (with S last). This formula allows you to make many criteria.



    Adds numbers within specified cells or range that meet multiple sets of criteria.

    Syntax: SUMIFS(sum_range, criteria_range1, criteria_value1, criteria_range2, criteria_value2...)


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