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Printing a Sight



  • Employee
    edited 07/29/16

    Thank you Clare for the feedback -- we are indeed working on a print solution for Sights.


    In the meantime, I would recommend using a snipping tool to save an image of a Sight when desired. Windows 7, 8, and 10 have a built in snipping tool that saves an image of part of your screen. Mac OS also has built in screen snipping via a keyboard shortcut. These tools are quite easy to use, so I would recommend giving them a try if you haven't already.


    I hope this helps. Thanks again for your input.

  • No printing feature for Sights is the only thing preventing us to upgrade to Enterprise license.

  • Thanks Oswaldo for the feedback. We're working on print support for Sights, and it should be available in either September or October. In the meantime, you may try using the screen snipping tools I mentioned in my post just above.


    Best regards,


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Great News!!  

  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hey Daniel,


    these are really awesome news!!!




  • ✭✭
    edited 08/12/16

    I joined this community specifically to figure out how to print a new Sight.  Clearly a lot of people want this...


    In the mean time, if I'm using a snipit screen capture, the background in the Sight window is a light gray, so my capture has a gray background.  Is there a way to make the Sight have white widgets on a white background?  I can't find it in any setting.



  • So glad I am not the only one with this issue.  I do end up taking a screenshot of my sights weekly to ensure I can provide a "one pager" for our senior leaders. Add my vote for this added feature!

  • Thanks Rebecca for your input!


    We're actively working on the Print feature for Sights and are aiming to release it in the next month or so, so stay tuned.


    Tony, we're also working on the ability to choose a white background for Sights and hope to release that in the next couple of months.


    Best regards,


  • Rebecca Bex Vasquez I have done a similar thing then I started using Snipit (standard snipping tool) in MS Office to simply take clips and drag them over into a word document for my weekly dashboard reports.  I configure about 3 or 4 Reports that are automatically updated from the Sheet.  Doing this to a word doc looks way more pro-grade than the snip/screenshot of all the sight info.  Just a suggestion...  


    Thanks, Daniel.



  • Hello. Just use the extension Fire Screen Shot in Firefox.


    Let the sight with full-screen preview and then use the shortcut to trigger FireShotSecreen extension (CTR + SFT + ALT + Z).


    It will show an edit screen. Now, just save as PDF or image.

  • Thanks Daniel, Tony & Matheus!  Great suggestions.  I don't typically use Firefox but I will give that a try today.  


    My company uses Snag It which  allows me to save each sight into a PowerPoint deck and edit sections as needed. I have been going between this and screenshots depending on the audience.


    Can't wait for the new feature.

  • Rebecca, you can also do with Google Chrome.

  • Overachievers Alumni
    edited 09/29/16

    We are in our final evaluation of PPM Software, and the inability to print Sights may make it a no go for us.  We need to use Sights to generate compiled reports for donors, and while seeing real-time information is great for the teams and internal managment, Donor Reports need to be PDF'd for record keeping.  Where is this in the queue of improvements?  I see that this conversation has been ongoing for a while and the September update allows for Publishing, but still not printing.  Any updates here?

  • Just a quick update: we're currently tracking to release Sight Print in the November timeframe. 


    Best regards,



    P.S. Sometimes feature release dates shift, so we can't promise a specific date, but hopefully this estimate helps.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
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