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Smartsheet Basics

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Is there a keyboard shortcut to jump to last filed row or column (like Excel and Google Sheets)?

edited 12/06/23 in Smartsheet Basics

In both Excel and Google Sheets it is possilbe to do [Ctrl] [Arrow key] to jump to the last filled non-blank row or column in series of rows/columns which allows quick navigation around a spreadsheet. I am a frequest user of these keyboard shortcuts in both Execl and Google Sheets.


Is there a keyboard shortcut that allows this sort of thing in smartsheet -- on a Mac?


The closest I have found to this in the smartsheet documentation are the following keyboard shortcuts.  It appears that [Ctrl] + [Up Arrow} and [Ctrl] + [Left Arrow} are equivalent to [Ctrl] + [Home], and [Ctrl] + [Down Arrow} and [Ctrl] + [Right Arrow} are equivalent as [Ctrl] + [End].  I have not figured out an equivalent for the row navigation [Home] and [End] keyboard shortcuts.


  • [Home]: Takes you to the first cell of the row you are currently on.


  • [End]: Takes you to the last cell of the row are are currently on.


  • [Ctrl] + [Home]: Takes you to the top left cell of your sheet.


  • [Ctrl] + [End]: Takes you to the bottom right cell of your sheet.





Best Answer


  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    CTRL+End will take you to the bottom row/far right column. CTRL+Home will take you to the top/left of the first column.




  • Employee

    Stan - If you are using a Mac, replace CTRL with CMD.


    CMD + arrow up or CMD + Home: Takes you to the top left of the sheet


    CMD + arrow down or CMD + End: Takes you to the bottom right of the sheet


    If your Mac keyboard has a Home and End key…


    Home: Takes you to the far left cell of the row you are on


    End: Takes you to the far right cell of the row you are on


    If your Mac keyboard does not have a Home and End key…


    Function Key (fn) + left arrow: Takes you to the far left cell of the row you are on


    Function Key (fn) + right arrow: Takes you to the far right cell of the row you are on



    CMD + G: Pulls up a menu where you can enter the row number you want to jump to

  • Thanks everyone!  These are a big help.  Playing a bit, I have found that [Fn] + {Down arrow} and [Fn] + {Up arrow} enable page down and page up on the Mac, which is helpful.  I still wish there was a quick way to go to the last row ( [Ctrl] + [Down arrow]) in GSheets and Excel), but this has gotten me part of the way there.  Thanks again, Stan

  • Employee
    edited 06/05/15

    Stan, have you tried CMD + arrow down? This will bring you to the last row in your sheet. Your cursor will be on the far right cell but you can then press fn + arrow left to bring your cursor to the first column.

  • Hi Travis - Yes, the keyboard combo you describe works to get to the last row.  Thanks.  If you work for smartsheet, I would make a feature request to mirror the [Ctrl] + [Arrow] features of Google Sheets and Excel.  With those two being two of the most dominate spreadsheet applications, having similar keyboard shortcuts will help with adoption by new users, especially power users who are often the influencers when it comes product choices within a company. I am happy to make the feature request myself if that will yield better results, just tell me the best way to submit a feature request.  Thanks again, Stan

  • Employee
    edited 06/05/15

    Stan - are you referring to Macs or PCs? From your post, it sounded like you were asking about Macs. I am using a Mac and just tested in both Excel and Google Sheets and CMD + down arrow brings you to the last row and CMD + up arrow brings you to the top row. If you are on a PC then you would use CTRL instead of CMD in Excel, Google Sheets, and Smartsheet. When using Macs and PCs, keyboard shortcuts anywhere (not just in Smartsheet) are typically the same, you would just use CMD for Mac and CTRL for PCs. This is done on the OS level. Does this help?

  • Hi Travis,


    Yes, Mac and, right, CMD, not Ctrl.  Sorry about that.  There is a subtlety in Excel that does not exist in smartsheet which is that there is no way to go to jump to the last non-empty cell in a continuous set of cells in a column or row.   Use CMD-arrow keys in the following Excel file and you will see that it jumps to the next non-empty cell, not all the way to the top or bottom of the sheet.  That's what I am talking about when I am mentioning the feature request.






  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 07/28/22 Answer ✓

    A few updates since this thread was started way back when...

    If you're looking  for a comprehensive list of keyboard shortcuts to use in Smartsheet, please take a look a the "Keyboard Shortcuts" article in the Smartsheet Help Center. (It has recently been updated.)

    Here's a direct link:

    Please submit your feature request to the Product team by creating an Idea Post in the Smartsheet Product Feedback and Ideas topic here in the Community. This will allow other users to vote on your enhancement idea!




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