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Changing the Color of a Parent Task Bart in Gantt Chart




It would be nice to be able to change the color of a parent task bar in the Gantt Chart.


What is the reason for not being able to do this?


I did find a comment (https://community.smartsheet.com/discussion/cannot-format-milestones-summary-bars) that says if dependecies are turned on, then gray is the default color.


Can this be changed to the user choosing the color?





  • Travis
    Travis Employee

    Parent rows in a sheet with dependencies enabled represent a rollup of child rows and is represented in the Gantt chart as a grey bar.  


    I will submit your vote for the ability to change the color of parent row Gantt bars! 

  • milouchien

    Please do allow colour for parent tasks. Just had a slightly embarrassing meeting with a client's project manager who seemed a little bemused that our higher level Gantt chart showing only parent tasks was essentially monochrome. That's all he wants the client to see - and rightly so.

    I guess he's used to the old school MS Project way of doing things and therefore has this expectation, but we do need to connect with these established markets too...

    So this functionality would be really great.

    Much appreciation





  • RozH

    Another vote for being able to change the parent row task bar in a gantt - this is often the view your client sees and not being able to colour code it to match project documentation and make it clear and easy is a huge disadvantage to this software.

  • creen79981

    I can't believe that customers have been asking for the ability to edit the color of Parent tasks for YEARS with no response from Smartsheet.  


  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi everyone—

    There currently isn't a way to edit the Parent task bars in Smartsheet.

    When you have a moment, please submit a Product Enhancement Request using the form underneath Quick links to the right of the community site and let our Product team know that you'd like to see this feature added to Smartsheet.

This discussion has been closed.