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Auto-sorting Rows


My sheet is automatically sorting my rows without any sorting or filters applied. After I enter a new row at the bottom and hit Save, the row is displaced to another location within the sheet.

I need to be able to clear this setting and get my sheet sorted the way it was before... with the newest entries at the bottom.


Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Chelsie Shakespeare



  • Amy Patterson

    We are having the SAME problem with our spreadsheets right now.  Interested to hear the solution as this is slowing down our work flow significantly.


  • Chelsie Shakespeare
    edited 10/04/16
    Hi Amy! I just got off the phone with tech support. It was determined that these issues are due to the fact that we have so many people accessing the sheet and making changes at one time.Before you edit the sheet, it is critical that you hit refresh, and that you save often. Just get in the habit of hitting refresh and save before/after editing anything so everyone sees the most recent version of the document. Also, you can insert an "Auto-Number/System" column to automatically sort by Date Created or Modified. :) This has saved the day for us. Hope it helps you as well!
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