Smartsheet for Microsoft Teams



  • tomd@wise

    Hello, I saw this post and I am experiencing the same issues over and again.  Was there a resolution?

  • Pam Grant

    I have the same problem.  Although it is intermittent.  Sometimes it works and sometimes I get the same behaviour as you explained.  Did you get a solution?

  • tomd@wise

    This was the response from support: 

    Based on this information, it sounds like this may be caused by a known issue in the Microsoft Teams desktop application ( which occurs when a user tries to view a published item that has permissions that are restricted to members of the item owner's account.

    Currently, there are two possible alternative solutions: you can use the MS Teams web application at, or you can change the publish settings in Smartsheet for the item to be available to anyone with the link ( The web application does not reproduce the log in issue, and the adjusted publish settings will allow people to view the published item without being prompted to log in.


  • Kristen Barber

    I'm having this issue. Will encourage use of the web application, as opening the dashboard to anyone with the link is not an option. Please post any additional options if available.

  • Doug Waram

    We have another workaround... if you click to add a new tab and select Smartsheet, it will prompt you to sign in. Once you've signed in, you can X out. After that the original tabs are visible.

  • Jeff Froustet

    Are there any plans for the Smartsheet team to address this issue? I understand that it's fundamentally a problem with the Microsoft Teams desktop application, but this is a behavior that negatively affects our Smartsheet experience. MS Teams, which staff already have open, is the preferred application for viewing sheets. The workaround of publishing the sheet so that anyone with the link can access it is not something we want to do.