Formula for RYGG symbol based on RYGG symbols in 6 other columns

Lori Flanigan
Lori Flanigan ✭✭✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Formulas and Functions

balls. The 6 other subcategories/column names are:

  1. Financial Status
  2. Quality Status
  3. Staffing Status
  4. Delivery/Operations Status
  5. Customer Satisfaction Status
  6. Subcontractor Management Status

The Overall Status is green if all subcategories are green.

The Overall Status is yellow if 1-3 subcategories are yellow.

The Overall Status is red if 4+ subcategories are yellow or 1+ subcategories are red..

Here is the formula that I’ve completed that works correctly; however, when I try to add the next (IF(AND)) part, it stops as if I’ve hit a maximum number of characters. Is that the case? If so, is there a shortcut that I’m not finding to make this more manageable?

=IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Green", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Green", IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Green", [Quality Status]@row = "Yellow", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Green", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Yellow", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Green", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Yellow", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Green", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Yellow", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Green", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Yellow"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Yellow", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Yellow", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Yellow", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Yellow", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Green", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Yellow"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Yellow", [Staffing Status]@row = "Yellow", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Yellow", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Yellow", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Green", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow", (IF(AND([Financial Status]@row = "Yellow", [Quality Status]@row = "Yellow", [Staffing Status]@row = "Green", [Delivery/Operations Status]@row = "Green", [Customer Satisfaction Status]@row = "Yellow", [Subcontractor Management Status]@row = "Green"), "Yellow")))))))))))))))))))))))))))





  • Andrée Starå
    Andrée Starå ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    Hi Lori,

    Yes, it seems like your hitting the 4000 character limit.

    I can see that your formula could be simplified.

    Can you describe your process in more detail and maybe share the sheet(s) or some screenshots? (Delete/replace any confidential/sensitive information before sharing) That would make it easier to help. (share too,

    I hope that helps!

    Have a fantastic day!


    Andrée Starå

    Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD




    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • Lori Flanigan
    Lori Flanigan ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thank you for your reply! I'm happy to share a screenshot of the sheet (see attached). I appreciate your help with this!


    Status columns.PNG

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