count if statements not working


I'm trying to get my countif statements to work. I need to count multiple dept IDs in one column, and pulling information from multiple sheets into one dashboard.

In one column, the countif statement IS working and returning a calculated number. It looks like this: =COUNTIF({Age 65 and over Range 1}, ="362") + COUNTIF({Age 65 and over Range 1}, ="357") + COUNTIF({Age 65 and over Range 1}, ="366") + COUNTIF({Age 65 and over Range 1}, ="376") + COUNTIF({Age 65 and over Range 1}, ="379") + COUNTIF({Age 65 and over Range 1}, ="388")

In the same sheet, I'm trying to pull from another sheet similar information, and is NOT working. The results are calculating, but coming back 0: =COUNTIF({Employee Absence Tracking Range 1}, ="357") + COUNTIF({Employee Absence Tracking Range 1}, ="362") + COUNTIF({Employee Absence Tracking Range 1}, ="366") + COUNTIF({Employee Absence Tracking Range 1}, ="376") + COUNTIF({Employee Absence Tracking Range 1}, ="379") + COUNTIF({Employee Absence Tracking Range 1}, ="388")

What am I doing wrong?

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