Creating a new folder in Sharepoint using PowerAutomate from Smartsheet



I have a flow created in PowerAutomate to create a new folder in Sharepoint whenever a new Smartsheet row is created. The flow almost works, in that it will create the new folder, but it does not properly name the folder. It ignores the first column (#) which is an auto-generated value and only creates the folder with the 2nd column (Name). I'm wondering if the fact that the first column is an autogenerated value is causing the issue and how I can convert an auto-generated value to a string value for PowerAutomate to read? or is there something more basic I am missing?


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi Sara,

    I don't have that much experience with PowerAutomate, so I can't confirm if the reason it's not picking up your number column is because it's auto-generated... but to turn it into a string you could have a helper column in Smartsheet contains the following formula:

    =[#]@row + ""

    This would bring over the exact same value in that row (hence the @row after the column name) and turn it into a string (which is the + "")

    Then you would use this helper column for your folder name, instead. Let me know if this works for you!



  • Sara Mooradian

    Thanks for replying Genevieve. I figured out a way to make it work but will note your reply for future needs as this is super helpful!

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Oh awesome! Glad you were able to make it work 🙂

  • Akansha Sinha


    I am trying to create a workflow which automatically creates folder in Share Point document library

    whenever a new row is created in the Smartsheet.

    Can you please me with the detailed workflow structure.

    Thanks & Regards,

    Akansha Sinha

  • Hi Sara,

    Would you mind sharing what you did to solve this? Would be super helpful!
