How can use the Countifs function with the Today function in the formula?



I am not sure what I did wrong in the formula that I have created. When I physically count it, I would get 23 but the formula spits out zero. I want the formula to report the number of tasks that was within the last 30 days.

Here is my formula: =COUNTIF({Ready For Upload Range 4}, {Ready For Upload Range 2} <= TODAY(-30))

I am creating the formula on a separate sheet than the one with the information. I can post the two test sheets that I am currently using to figure this out before applying it to the actual sheets.

Thank you.

Best Answer


  • John Sisounthone

    Hi @Genevieve P

    Thank you for your help. Your formula worked. I needed to add the end date.

    Kind Regards,


  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Glad to hear that it worked for you!

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