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Trying to Work with the VLOOKUP Function but hitting a wall

edited 04/23/21 in Formulas and Functions

I'm attempting to access a separate sheet with some contact details for various clients.

On my CLIENT SHEET I have 8 columns:

Licensee, Billing Company, Contact, Contact Email, Street, City, State, Zip

On my PROJECT SHEET I have various other project details, but one column is also named "licensee".

In the Licensee column, I can select from a number of values that directly match values in the "Licensee" column on the CLIENT SHEET

What I would like is for the corresponding contact, email, city, state, zip, etc... cells on my PROJECT SHEET to automatically fill in based on the Licensee entered, and the matching data from the CLIENT SHEET.

I'd show you some code, but I really don't have much to share. VLOOKUP confuses me.

Any help greatly appreciated

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