Add Ons and Integrations

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Dynamic View Use Examples?

edited 06/14/22 in Add Ons and Integrations

Hello - I am starting a 2 week trial of dynamic view. I have watched every smartsheet video about the dynamic view, but have to admit I am completely stumped about real-world usage. I have only seen ONE example of the dynamic view, and it had to do with timekeeping and time cards. It was very intriguing. (enough for me to pursue a trial)

If you are using the Dynamic view - would you mind sharing what you are using it for? I need to find another use beyond timekeeping to make it valuable to us. Thank you!


  • Community Champion

    Hello Jef

    I have a multi-stage, multi-functional request and approval process where various function not only approve information, they are adding information at every stage. The process crosses marketing, legal, licensing, etc in function and has compliance implications. Any data added by a previous function cannot be changed by another function. Once a function submits their own data - that data cannot be changed even by the original person that input the data (since subsequent decisions are being made). I have a dynamic view created for each approval stage where approvers can go in and input their workflow data there. I would not have been able to open and close cells, depending on who and where it was in the process, without dynamic view.

    The other 'nice' feature in dynamic view is the ability to share it to a domain (in this case the company I work for) - which allowed any user in the company the ability to do a very granular update, without me having to keep sharing specific users to a sheet- an update request process would not have worked well since I needed dynamic field logic. I limited the 'who can access' through other types of filters, which allows me to keep the users evergreen without making me keep up with who has entered or left the company. This functionality was a key point when I decided to use dynamic view for this project.


  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Thanks KDM, I appreciate it. Was there a breakthrough moment for your understanding of this topic? If so, can you direct me to that article? The gist of what I am hearing is an automated approval process with the ability for input by the participant while protecting information. I can see advantages to applying this process for client invoicing, sub approvals for payment requests, and design process approvals. Excited to jump into this next week.

    I am really intrigued by your evergreen comment, and not having to continually share specific users to a sheet (or workspace?). I have run the whole business through SS since 2011, it seems I might need to rethink our folder structure. Does using the Dynamic view influence your sheet strategy? Thank you!

  • With dynamic view you don't need to share sheets (where viewers can the see all the data including data you don't want them to see). No need to adjust folder structure, etc. Perhaps your dynamic view users will only view dynamic views, and no longer need to view the underlying sheets. It all depends on your use case.

  • Community Champion

    Hi @Jef Forward

    I hope you're well and safe!

    Have you explored WorkApps? Depending on your need and use case, that could be a better option.

    I hope that helps!

    Be safe and have a fantastic week!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    Did my post(s) help or answer your question or solve your problem? Please support the Community by marking it Insightful/Vote Up or/and as the accepted answer. It will make it easier for others to find a solution or help to answer!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • ✭✭✭✭✭

    Joe and Andree - thanks for the feedback. Okay - I need to think about this differently than the standard sheet structure and reporting. I am still struggling for how we would use it. Can you give me an example of how you are using it?

    What I am considering is the following, but honestly I dont quite get it yet.

    Time sheets - moving all of our 24 employee individual time sheets (single smartsheet) into (1) master sheet and then creating a dynamic view for each employee.

    Our existing task system - each one of our projects (currently 40 plus) - has a notes and tasks sheet. We keep them in a specific work space. We have a report that pulls all tasks per user, and can be sorted by the job. Is this an opportunity for an improvement with Dynamic View? For example, does it make sense to have (1) master sheet for notes and tasks, possibly making intake easier? but also making the reporting easier?

    Last - I like your point about the limiting access to parts of a sheet. This might be an opportunity for us to create "client based" views into a schedule or a budget.

    Andree - no, I haven't thought to much about WorkApps right now. Should I?

    Thanks, I appropriate your help.

  • Community Champion

    @Jef Forward

    In your timesheet example you wouldn't need a DV for each employee. You would limit access to their own information using Current User access. It is possible, if different roles have different responsibilities in your timesheet process, you may have to develop different DVs per that timesheet process role.

  • Community Champion

    @Jef Forward

    Happy to help!

    Yes, I think you should look at WorkApps. It's fantastic, and for some processes, it can work similarly to Dynamic View.

    For example, in your Time Sheet process, you could have a master sheet and then have a report with the current user set, and the user wouldn't need to be shared with the Smartsheet items.

    • Different roles can be structured to show WorkApps with different access/views.
    • You could have a WorkApp for each client with limited access/view.
    • A WorkApp for the time, task, notes processes.

    I'd recommend starting and look at WorkApps first and then Dynamic View.

    Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help in any way!


    Andrée Starå | Workflow Consultant / CEO @ WORK BOLD

    W: | | P: +46 (0) - 72 - 510 99 35

    Feel free to contact me for help with Smartsheet, integrations, general workflow advice, or anything else.

  • Community Champion

    @Kelly Moore referring to your post up above, I am developing an approval workflow and intend to use DV. The process will have up to 15 different approvers, although probably on 4 - 5 different "levels". Would the best practice be to create a view for each level, and then restrict the view of that level to the logged in user? That feels like it makes sense but wanted to check.

  • Community Champion

    Hey Neil

    Not knowing your workflow, it's hard to say. A limitation I have encountered with the Current User filter in Dynamic view is only being able to select a single field for the current user, unlike the multiple fields one can select in Reports. Since it is difficult in smartsheet to essentially 'join' email columns and still have active email addresses, you may need to have it by Approval because of this limitation. Also, depending on the data access required by each approval stage, you may need a dynamic views at the approval level so you can properly grant access to data when it is required, and restrict as necessary. I added some helper columns to help 'trick' the restrictions but many situations couldn't be addressed by a formula.

    I have a 7 step approval process but one step circles back to the submitter for additional input (6 roles total in the process) - I was able to create 6 Dynamic views for the process. I use a dashboard/portal as a landing page so users can get to the appropriate DV if they need the link.

    I don't know if that helps you. There was a lot of experimentation when I was setting up my process as I tried to develop the best experience for the user within smartsheet's functionality. As with any process there are a few rubs in functionality, but bottom line is we could not have completed this compliance approval process without Dynamic View.

    Happy to offer more if you have additional questions. Hopefully some of the community DV super users will weigh in and offer more substantive advice.


  • ✭✭
    edited 11/15/21

    @Jef Forward ... Same boat here bro...Ive never understood the need for DV as long as you have your automated processes that can control the columns available to the person updating/approving a record....

    Please if you wouldnt mind and if you have a better understanding of DV...please bring me on aboard with its application .... Coz all I need for privacy is restricting specific columns for people to view in their automated updates...

    @Kelly Moore ... Please help me understand DV if you can...

  • Community Champion

    @RJ Wilson

    I'm sure there are super users out there with better examples and better explanations. I use automation, reports and the basic grid whenever possible because why add an extra layer of anything if not required. In the example above, automation wouldn't work as I needed to share information that I didn't want changed AND I couldn't allow any user access to the sheet. In addition to not being changed, I needed to display certain fields only at certain times to Current User. Columns couldn't be locked in the sheet as data was being inputted by certain roles, at certain times. Once that role inputted the data, Dynamic View was able to lock the fields even from those that had just inputted data. The power of DV is the ability to display or not display certain fields at certain times to specific roles- then, if displayed - is it read-only or write privilege that the user has. In this particular process, it has 5 approval steps after submission. In step 4 of the process, it comes back to the submitter. They can't change any of their original data as decisions were already being made. Dynamic view allows that to happen. Since there are many, many rows of these approvals in play at one time, one cannot lock the different sheet columns.

    Another examples I know of with my organization are our Wellness program, where you're only looking at your own data. I didn't build that one so I have no details other than it's very complex behind the scenes.

    Bottom line, if automation and reports are working for you - great! If you need to not share the sheet(s) but share the data, and/or turn fields on and off, then dynamic view can assist.

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