Formulas and Functions

Formulas and Functions

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3 condition formula- Help

Need help with a formula, 3 conditions- 1) Recognize first 3 digits of "ticket number" (EX: "LEG", "ONB", "REV") 2) Recognize when a task is past due 3) Status not "Complete" or "Not Applicable"

What I have so far:

=COUNTIFS({KIM- Project Plan- TEST Range 3}, "LEG", {KIM- Project Plan- TEST Range 1}, >TODAY(), {KIM- Project Plan- TEST Range 2}, "In Progress", {KIM- Project Plan- TEST Range 2}, "Not Started")

Best Answer

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    =COUNTIFS({KIM- Project Plan- TEST Range 3}, left(@cell,3)="LEG", {KIM- Project Plan- TEST Range 1}, <TODAY(), {KIM- Project Plan- TEST Range 2}, AND(@cell <>"complete", @cell <> "not applicable"))


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