Change cell color based on date from another sheet



I'm working on a project overview sheet for many overlapping timelines. I'd like to make it so that if any of the projects have the date that the column is named that cell highlights or changes color.

So, for example, if project 1 timeline had a date associated with 9/12/21 then the cell joining those two would change color.

Would it also be possible to change color based on what is listed in the primary column of the Project 1 timeline. For example, if the timeline has 9/12 within the timeline and the primary column says "submit to legal" the cell on the overview sheet turns blue. but if it says "hand off to contractor" the cell on the overview sheet turns green.

Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Nicolette Marinos

    I recommend utilizing the conditional formatting or using a helper column that uses a symbol (rygb balls) to present a color. Although after reviewing your request, I am unable to confirm exactly what its supposed to look like or its supposed to do. You cant reference a column title/column name so that will have to be changed to have those days be under the Project? Like a Parent/Child type of relation.

    Can you provide us more details as to how are the dates being added for the project and how are they being referenced? are the dates coming from another sheet that it needs to match the type of project and the date its associated with? Thanks!




  • Krissia B.
    Krissia B. Moderator
    Answer ✓

    Hello @Nicolette Marinos

    I recommend utilizing the conditional formatting or using a helper column that uses a symbol (rygb balls) to present a color. Although after reviewing your request, I am unable to confirm exactly what its supposed to look like or its supposed to do. You cant reference a column title/column name so that will have to be changed to have those days be under the Project? Like a Parent/Child type of relation.

    Can you provide us more details as to how are the dates being added for the project and how are they being referenced? are the dates coming from another sheet that it needs to match the type of project and the date its associated with? Thanks!



  • Nicolette Marinos

    Hi! Thanks for responding @Krissia B. I fear that what I'm trying to do is impossible but still hopeful I can find something close!

    Here's a simple chat that we're currently changing the colors manually be date in the columns and the timeline of a job.

    I'm hoping there's a way that I could link each dated column to search all three project timelines on different sheets (one one combined sheet?) and if that date that's in the column is listed on the timeline it highlights in the corresponding box named after the timeline and date. Furthermore, not only does it find the date, but it would be able to identify what is listed in the primary column of that date on the linked timeline sheet to then change the color based on what is listed. Hope this paints a better picture. Thank you!

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