Archived 2015 Posts

Archived 2015 Posts

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Suggested Visual Enhancements

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

On the Home tab View you currently display the left panel the number of Sheets there are in each of the Categories (Sheets, Folders and Workspaces).  In the Centre Panel you display Name, Owner, Shared status and last updated, all very useful.


I believe that there is room for two more columns which I suggest would be:

·         - Number of Records (Rows) for both sheets and reports

·         - Description – a short text field where the Owner/Administrator can add a brief description


I am sure others could suggest other useful columns as well.  If that was the case then some form of field selector option would be required or the Properties dialogue box enhanced.



Anybody else agree?




  • ✭✭✭✭✭✭



    Both would be helpful. In addition to the number of rows, maybe the size of the sheet including attachments?

    As for the description update this could be an optional  field both a sheet creation and  while viewing the Sheet properties as an example. But it would display as a column on the Home as you suggest.

    I would also add that having the Time along with the Date on Last Modified would be good.




  • Employee
    edited 09/22/15

    Good suggestions here, I will submit them to our product team. Thanks James and Tim!

This discussion has been closed.

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