Tracking automated emails sent


I have been using the Automated send function to send emails to specific people on a specific date. I am wondering if there is a way to track if the email was opened from the backend of SmartSheets. Staff I work with say that the emails are delivering to some and not delivering to others (or at least they don't think they've gotten it). 


  • Paul Newcome
    Paul Newcome ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I can't think of a way of doing this, but one thing I have implemented before is sending out approval requests instead of alerts and changing the buttons to "Acknowledged" and "Acknowledge" (since they can't be the same). When it sends it will say "Submitted" and then when they click on one of the buttons it will let you know that they have read it (accountability). One of the other perks to this is that you can now capture the date that the email was send (record a date automation based on "Submitted") and set up an alert to go to yourself whenever that date is (for example) 7 days in the past and the row still says "Submitted". This way you can follow up with them but not have to worry about keeping track of it manually in the even that everyone is acknowledging receipt.

  • Scott Cornish

    @abbystanek12 ,

    I second @Paul Newcome's advice by including a button or something they need to respond with. In addition to the specific person I included a specific contact person (add an Assigned To column) to the automation emails. This way I can confirm if the automations are being sent. Some people may have unsubscribed from the automation emails (option at the bottom).

  • A Rose
    A Rose ✭✭✭✭


    You can use "Request an update" if you want them to check a box to confirm receipt or the like,

    Or, you can add a step to the automation or new automation to alert you and have the same settings as the other automation, and if it works for you, it works for them, unless someone's email is misspelled, or the sheet isn't shared or the alert settings are not set to alert anyone,

    If you wish to see alerts sent from Smartsheet to Recipients, I suggest you Vote Up this Smartsheet Idea,

    Thank you!