Is the Core App badge the same as the Core product badge?

Theycallmeox ✭✭
edited 07/14/22 in Smartsheet Basics

Just completed the eLearning Core App fundamentals and received the Core App badge. I was looking at other certification options and saw the Core Product badge, which looks very similar to the Core App badge. Are the the same?



  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Theycallmeox

    When you say the Core Product badge, are you referencing the Core Product Certification?


    This was just released last week! You can see the announcement post here: NEW Core Product Certification by Smartsheet University

    The Core App Skills badge shows that you completed all the eLearning courses in the Core App Path and passed the capstone quiz. Badges give you a way to showcase your Smartsheet knowledge, skills, and achievements. See: Smartsheet University Badging

    The 2022 Core App Certification is an Exam separate to this (although it's recommended that you complete the Core App Path before attempting the exam). This exam validates your ability to build and configure collaborative work environments and can help you stand apart as a professional in your field. You can learn more about the Exam on this page, here.

    If you have further questions, I would suggest contacting the Training team:



  • Kristen Evans

    Hi Genevieve!

    Hoping this thread is still open - speaking of the Core App Badge, I have questions about all the certifications in Smartsheet University. There are a few and I'm slightly confused:

    1. To be clear, it's recommended that I complete the Core App Path, then take the Capstone quiz to obtain the Core App Badge, then take the Core App Certification Exam last?
    2. I am a Smartsheet Certified User - I passed the exam in 1/2021 and have the certificate/badge. How does this exam and badge differ from those above? When I try to access the Core App Path, it takes me to lessons that I believe I took in order to prepare for the Certified User Exam. Most of them are labeled "Complete" for me.
    3. How then do all of these relate to the Project Management Certification Exam? I've seen it briefly advertised on the Engage Conference website and I'd love to take it, but I can't find any information on it or how that exam ties in with all the others.

    Thank you for your help!!

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Kristen Evans

    I'd be happy to help!

    1. I would personally recommend this, yes. This is because the Core App eLearning material will confirm how much you already know in Smartsheet, and teach you new things that perhaps you had forgotten or don't know already. Think of it like the best study material for the Exam. However, you could also jump right into the Certification Exam if you are confident in your ability to navigate Smartsheet.

    2. Wonderful! Congrats on completing the exam in 2021! The 2022 exam is an updated version which will confirm your maintained skill in Smartsheet. The lessons you see as Complete are likely the Core App Path discussed in your first point - eLearning courses.

    3. The Project Management Certification is not yet released, but it will be available by the time of Engage in September! When it is released, you'll see it on the Smartsheet University Certification page. In the meantime, you can learn more from the Engage page: There is also a Project Management Fundamentals eLearning course you can review as study material (like the Core App Path eLearning).

    Let me know if I can clarify anything further for you.



  • Kristen Evans


    Thank you for all of this! I am going to Engage in September, so I'll make sure to have the App Badge and Exam completed before then. I am a Project Manager, so I'm looking forward to hearing more about the PM Certification when it's released!

    Thanks again!

  • Genevieve P.
    Genevieve P. Employee Admin

    Hi @Kristen Evans

    How exciting! I'm so glad that Engage is in-person again, it should be a great time. 🙂