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Granting full Admin Permissions


I have taken on a new role in my organization and will be managing much of our content and data on our Smartsheets--which has already been in place and established with content prior to my arrival.

I am finding myself very limited to what I can edit and share with already existing sheets (even though I have been made co-admin of our full account). Is there an option that can grant me owner/admin permissions to all pre-existing content without having the current owner do that for each individual sheet? I feel like there is a simple option that I am missing to become essentially a 'super admin' with access to editing everything within our account.


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭
    edited 08/06/17


    You aren't missing anything.

    The SysAdmin is not automatically shared to each object (Sheet, Workspace, etc...) in the account. 

    Your options are:

    1. Get the Sheet Access Report from the Account Administration | User Management | More Actions menu item (upper right of the screen to access Account)

    2. Filter Excel file for objects Owned by others but not visible to you.

    3. Request all owners to share them with you, starting with Workspaces, as that will likely get many of them.

    4. Repeat until you have them all


    1. Write some API code. You can use the API to assume a user's privileges and then share the objects with yourself, using the information gleaned in steps 1 and 2 of the previous option.

    Note: I could argue both for and against having the SysAdmin being given access to all objects by default. In my account, they are not shared by default.

    I hope this helps.



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