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Calculating Durations

Eid E. Eid
Eid E. Eid ✭✭✭
edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2015 Posts

I have columns in my sheet with "Departure TIme" and "Arrival Time" in the format hh:mm


Since there is no "Time" Type for the columns, so I had to kep the Column Type as Number/Text


I am looking for a way to substract these 2 columns to obtain the duration of the trip. 


Many thanks for any help





  • SoniaR

    Hi Eid E. Eid - 


    Currently, there isn't a way to use formulas with values formatted as hh:mm (as the : will make the value a text string). Our Product team is looking in to building a time formatted column type and I've just added your vote to this category on the request list. 




  • Victor van R

    @SoniaR please add my vote as well. This new functionality is much appreciated 

  • Joel Johnson
    edited 10/16/15

    Put my vote on this too. 


    I have done a work around for simple duration calculations, and posted it in the below discussion:



  • Patrick Lawler

    Eid and group, 


    This exact problem can be solved using Azuqua, an integration partner of Smartsheet. I work for Azuqua and the logging timestamp in a column based on a checkbox being marked (checked) is one of the many scenarios that we enable inside of Smartsheet.


    Using Azuqua you can set up a monitor for a change to column and in your particular case check to make sure the checkbox has been marked and then confirming the checkbox has been marked a timestamp / date will be entered into the column you specify.


    For your use case you would set up a checkbox for both departure and arrival. When you mark those checkboxes Azuqua will log a timestamp for each of those actions into the columns you specify and then using a formula you get the exact duration.


    If you want to learn more please visit our app listing at Smartsheet here:



    Please feel free to follow up with any questions.


This discussion has been closed.