Allow Percentage (%) on Column Chart Widget / Dashboard. Now available only on Pie or Donut charts
Allow change of % color when reflected in Pie/Donut charts (looks like it is automatic now depends on the fill color (which causes for one value to show in White & the other in Black)
Hi Community, Welcome to the Product Feedback and Ideas space where you can help shape the future of Smartsheet! We really appreciate your feedback and will take all posts into consideration. Our prod…
Minimally useful info. Completely unnecessary most of the time. Poor usability. Requests for this go back at least four years. And there are dozens of supportive comments on each of these requests. Yo…
When I create custom messages in Automations, such as approval emails, I'd LOVE to have the system give me a list of possible field names to use after I type in the double curly brackets '{{' This wou…
Date-related functions, e.g. Gantt or Timeline, don't accept columns that use formulas but have dates as the output. This limits the functionality and at times makes date-related formulas obsolete.