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Count Cells by Color

edited 12/09/19 in Archived 2017 Posts

how do I count cells of  a specif color in a row?  Countif does not seem to do this as it does in Excel.


  • Shaine Greenwood


    If you're referring to a symbol column—RYG ball, for example—you can use the text label for the symbol in a COUNTIF function, e.g.

    =COUNTIF(Status:Status, "Red")

    The text label for a symbol appears in the cell dropdown next to the symbol. More information on symbol columns can be found in the help article on Column Types.

    You can find more info on the COUNTIF function here: https://help.smartsheet.com/function/countif

    Otherwise, there isn't a way to count based on cell background or font colors.

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