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Can we have more colors??? i stare at smartsheet all day long and would like some new color options!!! thanks Sealed


  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I don't need any more colors. I have multiple monitors and Smartsheet already looks different depending on which is being used. 





  • Don't you use background colors for different rows? They can't all look different on different monitors I also have multiple monitors. Just think the rows could use some bright colors :) 

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    I do, but if there are more than half-dozen, I start to lose track of what they mean, and just about all of them look at least slightly, some more so, different on different monitors. My laptop's graphics card is crap.


    I also suspect that the graphics eats into my browser's processing power.



  • BMar

    I also find myself wanting more colors (or at least the ability to define custom colors).  


    I suppose some of this desire is due to migrating existing Excel workbooks to Smartsheet and wanting to keep some of the formatting the same.  But I also like to be able to customize the crap out of any tool I use, so the limited pallette is a little disappointing.

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    This may be age speaking, but I have found that I spent a lot of time "re-customizing" for every migration and so each one has been less and less one-offs.


    If I had to rehang the curtains every time I opened the window in my house, I'd probably stop opening the window so much.


    Not opposed to more colors, just won't likely use them.

    I also sat in a two hour meeting one time (I was nearly chained to the desk and gagged) with senior management discussing the color of the new carpet. Maybe I'm having flashbacks. Shudder.



  • Shaine Greenwood

    Hi All—I'll add your votes for having more color formatting options in the app, and for...not having more color formatting options?


    I'd hate for Smartsheet to be a trigger for J. Craig's carpet meeting trauma.

  • Laughing Wonderful. Wouldn't want any traumas haha

  • J. Craig Williams
    J. Craig Williams ✭✭✭✭✭✭

    That meeting cost over $2500 because of the number of people and their salaries in the room.




  • Yoann
    edited 01/31/17

    Please add my vote as I definetely need the ability to define my own colors. Now with the Sights and Cards options, the tool is widely spreading in the company and we need to make nice presentations consistent with the colors of the company graphic charter.

  • Shaine Greenwood
    Shaine Greenwood Employee
    edited 01/31/17

    Hi Yoann,


    Read you loud and clear; I've passed your feedback along to our Product team as well.


    Thanks for the input!

  • Mohammad Khairuzzaman
    edited 03/23/17

    Need  more/custom backround colors options. Not everyone will need it but some doSmile 

  • Sherry Riordan

    Count me as a vote for more colors.  The current palette does not include my Company colors (or even a close approximation).  We have many clients that also have palettes they prefer.  We would like to offer the advantages of Smartsheet to our clients during projects and customize to their style.

  • LShu

    Please add my vote to the NEED for COLOR additions. I need to be able to visually group/ highlight info in a large amount of data, and I have run out of colors many times already. It would be a great accommodation to allow a wider range of creative 'opportunity'. 

    Thank you!

  • I use Smartsheet for a lot of my corporate client meetings. I would like to customize the colors for each company but with the current palette, it is incredibly difficult. The colors are too bright and distracting. I would like more options. 

  • Sean Robins
    Sean Robins ✭✭
    edited 10/24/18

    Is there any update to where this is at? It would be great to be able to select additional formatting colors for charts, cards, and other views in smartsheet. Any possible way to get things set to select from one of the following: PMS C/U, CMYK, RGB, or #hex? This would allow individuals to brand all aspects of a dashboard without needing to create external images and import them into a dashboard. Thank you!


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