Update Request Links



  • Hi @zsiegel

    The API methods for Update Requests allow you to take the same actions that you can do within the sheet in the UIversus within the recipient’s email.

    In the sheet, you can create an Update Request, check the history of one using the Update Request log on the right, delete a request, etc. The same information is able to be pulled via the API. However even in the UI the Update Request URL is not displayed. This is a unique link intended only for the recipient to receive and use to update your sheet.

    You can create an Update Request using the API, which will send the recipient the URL and form to update the sheet. As the sender, you won't have access to that link. If you want to display the row content in a different manner (such as in your own form with extra fields and descriptions) then you would need to Get the Row and use Update Row with the form user's new information instead.



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  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    Authorization/permissions are the right tool to be sure only the intended recipient can/does use the update request link that is emailed to them. I see no no technical security reason why the API should not be able to generate/fetch these links. I understand how the feature works, which is as you described.

    Is this on the Smartsheet road map? It would make update requests much more powerful and usable at my organization.

  • Hey @zsiegel

    Thank you for your feedback!

    I don't believe this is currently on the roadmap to be added to the API or as a System Admin ability. I would recommending submitting your request to the Product team by creating an Idea Post in the Smartsheet Product Feedback and Ideas topic here in the Community. This will allow other users to vote on your idea and give one place to collect more use-cases for the Product team to review.



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  • zsiegel
    zsiegel ✭✭✭

    @Genevieve P. I made a feature request here per your suggestion.

    As a developer, to me, this seems like an extraordinarily easy feature for Smartsheet to accommodate. It would create a lot of value at my organization. If this doesn't get any attention from your developers I'll be pretty disappointed. If this feature doesn't get addressed, it'll be hard to believe it's worth my time to make any feature requests in the future.